miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

A country whose word means nothing

When you think of people reliability is a crucial feature. If a person breaks his given word, his credibility and reputation goes down the drain. For countries it is not different. The United States of America has completely drowned any remaining reputation it might have. President Trump has withdrawn from two agreements that its country had signed. One is the Paris agreement related to climate change. The second one is the agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. In both cases there was no  motivation except for a new person being in the whitehouse. What country would trust any agreement involving the United States? I am thinking about North Korea for example. In both cases the US situates itself away from the rest of countries, even its traditional allies,  in a fairly unique situation. Unfortunately, I am afraid these will not be the last crazy actions that the United States can do in the next future.

Why? We all know why. Trump is all but a statesman. He is actually an ignorant, stupid, dishonorable guy who has climbed up to a position of power in which he can produce great damage to mankind. There is no clear sign of any policy in his decisions. He contradicts himself constantly because he is as irreflexive as one can be.  You can imagine that any fellow that comes close and praises him putting some ideas in his empty brain can determine the next steps in the american world policy.  I am really scared about what he can do.

We all know why he is there. Many american have voted for him. Of course, the big majority of them are ignorant, a good deal of them stupid and a small fraction dishonest. As far as my experience tells me, I am convinced that  many of his voters are good-will people. But if you shake good-will, desperation, ignorance and stupidity you can get fanatics. These are people who "believe" in something or somebody who knows how to manipulate them, and since they don't think they will never question. In one word, fanatics. The leader or guru is of course not like that. Morally he is normally rock bottom.  I believe it is not different in the case of Trump. There are also ruthless and clever voters for Trump, but no doubt a minority.

However, things happen for a reason. The ingredient that it takes for a real dangerous fanatic is desperation. Many of the people voting for Trump or for Brexit are people who have seen how their living standards have deteriorated in the last few years. Then one of these gurus comes and offers them a return to the good times, giving a very simple explanation for their problems, usually having to do with "others". Many (the ignorant and stupid) will buy it. But of course, that is not the real reason. The deterioration of living conditions has a lot to do with  the policy followed by the suposedly wise statesmen and parties. There is a character in our world that is clever and well-informed but that by definition has no morality at all. I mean the corporate and finantial world. It is not a human. Its goals are driven by profit and there are no ethical  considerations on the way. Very much like a universe of robots and computers.  Unfortunately this new character is getting into politics and making it flow along the lines that they desire. Its up for the clever and honest people to try to stop this.


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